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picture of the dedication of the shule. At the time, the shule was Beth Emeth, since we had not yet amalgamated with any other shules. In the centre is Rabbi Kelman (z”l). Directly behind the rabbi and to his right is Barney Barenholtz (z”l), a great supporter of the shule and one of the founding members. The second picture shows Rabbi Kelman giving a speech to a large group.








One of the books used by our Hebrew School








February 1960:
Beth Emeth Tribune, a forerunner of the Kesher. Note the interesting paragraph informing members that it was possible to get a kosher meal on a plane trip.






Early 1960s:
Rabbi Kelman, David Anisman (to the left of the Rabbi) and Murray Rumack (z”l) (to the right of the Rabbi) at the dedication of the Youth Room.







An early picture of Rabbi Kelman in his office.







Manila folder containing letters about the dissolution of Bais Yehuda from its affiliation with Shaarei Tefillah Congregation and subsequent merging with Beth Emeth. Also in the folder is a little poem, entitled “Cantata for Mortgage Burning,” effectively outlining the early history of the shule. Picture of Rabbi Kelman and Irv Horowitz (z”l) receiving the paperwork from a bank representative.





March 1963:
picture of Rabbi Kelman, David Anisman and another man on the occasion of the amalgamation of Bais Yehuda with Beth Emeth.




April 13, 1963:
This program outlines details of the combined Bar and Bat Mitvahs of students from the Senior Class of the Kadimah School. Inclusion in Jewish life-cycle events almost always precluded involvement by children with challenges, so this event was trailblazing for its time. As a result, our shule became known as “The synagogue with a heart.” Shalom Weinstein (z”l) was the first cantor of the shule and Jacob Berger was a long-serving Shamash of the shule.









Spring Sisterhood dance and yearbook.





November 23, 1963:
Our first Israel Bond night. We honoured Barney and Freda (z”l ) Barenholtz . He was a major supporter of the shule and of Israel. These events are commonplace now and we regularly have a variety of events to raise money to purchase Israeli bonds, especially at every Yom Tov.










John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada, was honoured as Man of the Year. Pictured are Rabbi Kelman in his introduction and then Diefenbaker.






Rabbi Kelman, standing in front of the shule prior to the construction of the sanctuary.




Bais Yehuda amalgamated with Beth Emeth, initiated by Wilf Kideckel (z”l). Picture 1 is Saul Morganstein (z”l) singing with eyes closed. To his right is Saul Carr. Pic 2, Fred Stoll (z”l) carrying a Torah. Rabbi Kelman in the Centre, Ruth Kelman (z”l), Manny Grosbein (z”l) behind Rabbi Kelman; Picture 3 – dancing under a chuppah – Fred Stoll, Irving Horowitz, Sydney Himel (z”l); Picture 4 – Abie Schwebel (z”l), Manny Grosbein(z”l)








Notes were sent to parents whose children were attending the nursery school at the shule. Each was individually typed and mention the fees of $90 dues and $100 building fund




Beth Emeth had a Cub Scouts group, run by Margo Grosbein’s husband, Norman (z”l), who is not in the picture; Mr. Gelman is the second on the left.














Three renderings of the artist’s conception of (a) the concourse, (b) floor plan of the first floor and (c) a stylized window. Although the shule looks quite different today, these drawings show what was being considered.






booklet, written by Mordechai Ben Dat, outlining the significance of the sculpture in the sanctuary above the Aaron Kodesh.  






January 16, 1967:
Copy of a d’var Torah given during the year of Canada’s Centennial celebration, delivered at a Sisterhood event, and talking about the Pavilion of Judaism at Expo ’67 in Montreal. It was quite unusual for there to be a public religious (non-Christian) information booth at the time. This Expo was a world event, which demonstrated the attempt by Canadian Jews to raise their profile. It may have been a d’var delivered by Rabbi Kelman.










Information about the Eastern Wall of the Sanctuary, explaining the sculpture that sits above the Aron Kodesh.







Sisterhood in action. Pictures of skits and articles from the Bulletin. On the back are the handwritten names of the Board Executive for 1968 - 69.

Sat, 29 March 2025 29 Adar 5785