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May 1, 2010:
flyer outlining a special Sisterhood Shabbat where Adina Lipson, wife of Rabbi Leslie Lipson, gave the sermon. Past Presidents of the Sisterhood were honoured for their commitment and accomplishments to the shule.




May 6, 2010:
We hosted the Yakir Hakahal Gala Tribute Dinner to honour Sir Nicholas Winton, who helped to rescue 669 children trapped in Prague during WWII.









September 26, 2010:
Mecklinger Family Wing Dedication and Lerman Chapel Rededication. Of note is the names of the stained-glass windows and a picture the Eternal Light of the chapel.













We established the Samuel Edelstein Children’s Garden to honour the memory of children who died in the Holocaust.









May 22, 2011:
We had a special tribute to Cantor Louis Danto, held at the Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre. It is without doubt that many people joined the shule because of Cantor Danto’s amazing and unparalleled voice and the warmth and friendship he extended to every single person. He is one of the main reasons why our shule is a success.








Sisterhood Shabbat program for the weekend of May 11 and 12 (19th and 20th of Iyar). This is an annual event and when first established was a highlight of the year because women were allowed up on the Bima, which was not typical. Ruth Kelman would give the sermon which was very well received by the congregation. Her d’var Torah always inspired such warmth with Sisterhood and demonstrated her deep learning and love of Judaism.









May 9, 2013:
The Mecklinger Family sponsored a documentary about Jerome Solon Felder, also known as Doc Pomus, a Blues artist and a songwriter.









June 18, 2013:
flyer publicizing a golf tournament fund-raiser. These golf tournaments are an annual event and a major fundraiser for the shule.












Under the leadership of our Assistant Rabbi, Rabbi Leslie Lipson, we started the Aleph Bais Yehuda Elementary School. What is most interesting about the school is that the model provides for integration of mainstreamed children with children with special needs in a Jewish learning environment. It is still running.









We hosted 2 ShinShinim, Israeli emissaries who are between high school and army service and who are trained over two years and then selected to spend a year in Canada helping us to understand life in Israel. They speak briefly at Shabbat services and are involved in many of the activities of the shule. In 2016 – 17 we share ShinShinim with another shule, Beth Tikvah, and Associated Hebrew School. 










Booklet outlining the variety of Morasha Classes offered through the shule.








November 15, 2014:
Installation Shabbat to honour the Board of Directors.







Holocaust Education flyer. Many shules and some other religious institutions as well as schools and libraries host events every year during Holocaust Education week. As more and more survivors pass away, it becomes ever more critical for personal stories to be heard. Beth Emeth had a very large number of survivors in our congregation and hosts several events every year, which are always well attended. 










August 17, 2015:
A celebration of the life and legacy of our beloved Cantor Louis Danto on his fifth yahrzeit









Ocotber 29, 2015:
A concert given by Cantor Aaron Bensoussan and Friends in honour of our 60th anniversary. Bensoussan was our Cantor from 1999 - 2010 and what was particularly memorable about him was that he was Sephardic, so he brought many interesting and unique Sephardic tropes to our services.










December 18, 2015:
Channukah Music event flyer

December 2015:
BEBY was recognized for our involvement in The Out of the Cold program through a certificate from the Mayor. This program invites homeless guests into the shule weekly from the beginning of January to the end of February for a hot meal, the opportunity to own gently used items of clothing that are donated throughout the year, receive various toiletries, and enjoy entertainment. Some guests choose to sleep over for the night and are then transported to the subway in the morning. All guests are given a lunch for the following day and a token to pay for their subway ride back.  The article appears in the Leo Baeck publication (one of the Jewish schools in the city) about the Out of the Cold program held at Beth Emeth.  








May 7, 2015:
We held a special dinner honouring David Anisman, one of the founding fathers of the shule, on his 100th birthday. He was a past president and very generous donor who helped finance many shule events. Even in 2017, he is still coming to shule regularly and submitted his own note for the time capsule.







December 2015:
Installation Shabbat speech of Michael Kerzner, President








a list of programs offered for Youth and Families. We are working very hard to appeal to all the generations in our congregational family to ensure the viability of the shule.










Membership renewal guide, explanation of the various services and minyanim during the Yom Tovim as well as the bookmark outlining programs planned for the upcoming year. Every effort is being made to be inclusive of the entire community since continuity and engagement are critical to sustain the shule. This year we had a large influx from Shaar Shalom Synagogue, which closed its doors in June; however, we do not always grow so much every year.







May 28 and 29, 2016:
Poster and flyer from “Doors Open,” which was an annual event to invite members of the public in to historic, important or interesting buildings in the city that they might not otherwise have access to. This year, on Shabbat, there were many visitors from different cultures and religions who had a tour of the shule and asked questions about Judaism.






June 7, 2016:
We celebrated the end of our 60th anniversary with a gala called “Dancing with Diamonds.”  Attendees received a glass paperweight in the shape of a diamond.








June 7, 2016:
Thank you note from Michael Levitt, Member of Parliament for York Centre, about the 60th Gala event.










August 25, 2016:
We ran a very successful golf tournament as a fundraiser at a brand-new golf course, Lebovic Golf Club.








Package showing menus and prices of our in-house caterer, Uptown Catering








April 29, 2017:
A lovely tribute was held to thank Chazzan David Edwards and to congratulate him on his retirement.










June 9, 2017:
Flyer for the Shabbat Installation of Cantor David Guber.







October 21, 2017:
remarks by Michael Kerzner, President, on Shabbat Noach







A baby onesie sold in our gift shop

Sat, 22 February 2025 24 Shevat 5785