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Dedication Opportunities

Main Sanctuary Pew Plaque - $360
Many pews are still available to dedicate, mostly in the balcony or by the windows on the main floor.


Lerman Chapel Pew Plaque - $500
The Chapel was renovated in the summer of 2010 through the generosity of the Mecklinger Family. As the focal point of daily prayers, the celebration of many life cycle events, expression of kaddish, and a Shabbat Hashkama Minyan, the Chapel plays an important role in the religious and spiritual lives of Beth Emeth members and non-members. Many pews are still available for dedication.

Pillars in Lerman Chapel in the Mecklinger Family Wing - $3600
The Chapel was renovated in the summer of 2010 through the generosity of the Mecklinger Family. As the focal point of daily prayers, the celebration of many life cycle events, expression of kaddish, and a Shabbat Hashkamah Minyan, the Chapel plays an important role in the religious and spiritual lives of Beth Emeth members and non-members. Many pillars are still available for dedication.


Tree of Life Plaques - $500
A reinvigoration of this beautiful piece, located across from the main sanctuary entrance, is currently underway to allow for more dedication opportunities. Donations in honour of, in memory of, or in celebration of continue to add life to the ever-growing tree!


On the occasion of the retirement of our eminent Rabbi Joseph Kelman z”l in 1997, the Synagogue embarked on the Siyum Hatorah project to write a Sefer Torah in his honour. You can honour Rabbi Kelman’s memory with a dedication on the Siyum Hatorah Wall located in the alcove across from the Motek Fischtein Hall. Rimonim $5,000 | Sedrah $3,600 | Aliyah $1,800 |Chapter $1,000

Garden Paving Stone - $180
The Paving Stones inscribed with the names and hometowns of the children who perished are interwoven through all the elements of the Garden. Dedications may be made in honour of a loved one who perished as a child in the Holocaust or the Synagogue can assist with finding the name of a child through the Yad Vashem databases.


Terumah @ 60 Wall Plaques -  $1000-$10,000
Have your family legacy etched on the Terumah @ 60 Wall. Terumah donations ensure the synagogue remains inclusive and welcoming to all as well as assisting in bridging the financial challenges for families who want to join Beth Emeth. Terumah gifts over $1000 will be recognized on a plaque on this wall, located beside the Elder Street entrance.

For more information or to dedicate a pew plaque, or a stone, please speak with Candace Vogel

Wed, 26 March 2025 26 Adar 5785