Parshat Mishpatim and Hostage Horror:
20/02/2025 09:23:10 AM
This week's Parsha of Mishpatim largely places the general categories of the Ten Commandments, recited in last week's Torah portion, into specific legal rulings. As I wrote last week, the eighth of the Ten Commandments, "Lo Tignov," is traditionally understood as a prohibition on kidnapping. Different commandments address the prohibition of stealing objects.
Now, in Parshat Mishpatim, we read in Exodus 21:16, "One who kidnaps a person, whether he has sold him or is still holding him, shall be put to death." The Parsha enumerates many capital offenses for which punishment is death, at least in principle. The reality of capital punishment is debated in Jewish sources. The rules concerning evidence and proper testimony often negated capital punishment. Regardless, the statement "Shall be put to death" shows the severity of the crime.
In his medieval commentary, Ibn Ezra quotes Rabbi Saadiah Gaon who suggests that the person being kidnapped in Exodus 21:16 is a CHILD. When I studied this commentary, tears ran down my face. We all dreaded the possibility which was revealed Thursday that among the dead hostages were the youngest hostages, Ariel and Kfir Bibas. For many weeks, their pictures have adorned our pulpit, associated with prayers for their being alive and returned safely, along with all the other hostages. Sadly, and tragically, their bodies with one other deceased hostage, 83-year-old Oded Lifshitz, were returned to Israel. Late on Thursday, in another despicable act, we learned that an unidentified body was found in the coffin that was set for Shiri Bibas. Her fate is now unknown.
Whether the ancient Mitzvah recorded in this week's Parsha is directed to only Jews or to all humanity is a topic for another day. In the Torah, kidnapping alone is considered a capital offense. In our contemporary context, the act of kidnapping has led to the murder of the purest, most innocent of people, including a five year old and a two year old. Anger and rage do not begin to describe my personal and our collective feelings.
Our prayers go out to Yarden Bibas and to all the families who have suffered the tragic reality of deceased family members who were taken hostage on October 7, 2023, and beyond. Our prayers go out to all those who have survived and are only beginning the process of physical and emotional healing. All the Jewish people mourn and pray "As one person with one heart (Rashi on last week's Parsha)."
Baruch Dayan Emet - Praised be the true Judge!
Ha'shem Yikom Damam - May God avenge their blood!
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
On the Slaughter by Hayim Nachman Bialik
20/02/2025 09:00:31 AM
Heaven—have mercy.
If you hold a God
(to whom there’s a path
that I haven’t found), pray for me.
My heart has died.
There is no prayer on my lips.
My hope and strength are gone.
How long? How much longer?
Executioner, here’s my neck:
Slaughter! You’ve got the ax and the arm.
The world to me is a butcher-block—
we, whose numbers are small
it’s open season on our blood:
Crack a skull—let the blood
of infant and elder spurt on your chest,
and let it remain there forever, and ever.
If there’s justice—let it come now!
But if it should come after I’ve been
blotted out beneath the sky,
let its throne be cast down.
Let the heavens rot in evil everlasting,
and you, with your cruelty,
go in your iniquity
and live and bathe in your blood.
And cursed be he who cries out: Revenge!
Vengeance like this, for the blood of a child,
Satan has yet to devise.
Let the blood fill the abyss!
Let it pierce the blackest depths
and devour the darkness
and eat away and reach
the rotting foundations of the earth.
In memory of those murdered by evil Hamas since October 7, 2023
Rosh Chodesh Shevat
30/01/2025 09:08:03 AM
Today is Rosh Chodesh Shevat. In ancient times, the school of Shammai declared the first day of Shevat as the new year for trees in Israel. The school of Hillel declared the fifteenth day of Shevat as the new year for trees in Israel, commonly referred to by its date - Tu Bishvat. Over the years, the view of Hillel became the norm. We will celebrate Tu B'Shevat in a couple of weeks.
Connection to the land of Israel and a concern for nature in general become two major themes of Tu-B'Shevat. Whether it is planning a trip to Israel or contributing funds so that trees can be planted in Israel, these and many options are available to support Israel. On our shul website, we list a wide number of charitable ways to support Israel during these challenging times. There are countless other ways to help as well.
Locally, we can use the "nature" theme of Tu B'Shevat to be more cognizant of our use of technology and our mastery of the environment. I am sure we can all do a better job in refining our use of gas, oil, and electricity. As we grieve over the loss of trees due to wildfires in Los Angeles over the last two weeks, we can learn value lessons on cultivating an environment which will be less likely to result in such natural tragedies.
I wish everyone a joyous and meaningful Tu-B'shevat.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Va'era - stages of redemption then and now
27/01/2025 09:14:59 AM
At the outset of Parshat Va'era, the entire Children of Israel find themselves enslaved in Egypt. They are indeed trapped, captive, taken hostage, with nowhere to go and no end in sight. God then instructs Moses to say the following to the people:
"I will free you from the labors of the Egyptians
and deliver you from their bondage.
I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and through extraordinary chastisements.
And I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God. . . .
I will bring you into the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. (Exodus 6:6-8)"
Notice five consecutive verbs of redemption - V'Hotzaiti (I will free you), V'Hitzalti (I will deliver you), V'Ga'alti (I will redeem you), V'Lakachti ( I will take you), followed soon after by "V'Havaiti ( I will bring you).
These verbs of promise form the foundation for the five cups of wine at the Pesach Seder. We cannot read God's mind nor understand why our ancestors began their experience with slavery in Egypt; however, God promises redemption in these five stages. The Etz Hayim commentary, based on earlier sources, explains the stages as follows:
"I will free you - from physical enslavement in Egypt.
I will deliver you - from the psychological mind-set of being a slave, which might persist even after you have physically liberated.
I will redeem you - so that you will think of yourselves as a free people.
I will take you - into a special relationship with Me, for that is the ultimate goal of your liberation.
I will bring you into the land which I swore to Abraham - Only when the Israelites have their own land can they become the special people they are summoned to be."
I think of these stages of redemption in terms of the Jewish people as a whole these days, and the situation concerning hostages already liberated, and hopefully, more and all hostages to be soon liberated.
While the first stage, physical freedom from ancient Egypt, has clearly taken place 100%, the other stages are not so clear for all Jews. Let me explain:
The psychological mind set for all Jews feeling free might not be a given - for Holocaust survivors and their families, for example; for IDF soldiers coming back from war coping with PTSD; for hostages who were returned last year or now, and their families. Psychological trauma can indeed be strong in these examples, and in many others.
The thinking of ourselves as a free people might also not be a given. For sure, we are grateful for a State of Israel. Our people know too well the implications of not having our own sovereign state. Just consider the Shoah and hundreds of other situations before that throughout our history. Even, with our sovereign State, we may not feel so free, with Israel continuously surrounded by enemies on all sides and having always to be vigilant.
Being in a special relationship with God is a given for many Jews but also a source of conflict for many other Jews for all kinds of reasons, starting with the whole theology of what God is and what God demands of us.
Ironically, it is the fifth term of redemption which is perhaps simpler than the second, third, and fourth stages of redemption - "I will bring you into the land." After almost 2000 years of exile and dispersion, our people are sovereign in our land since 1948. I would agree, while living in the Diaspora, that only in Israel can a Jew live the fullest possible Jewish life. For example, certain Mitzvot can be observed only living in Israel. With regard to the hostages, fortunately, some hostages physically returned home a year ago this past November, and small numbers have begun to return home now. We pray that twenty-six more return home over the next five weeks, and that all ninety-four in total return home soon.
These five terms of redemption form an essential part of our four-thousand-year heritage, and they form the basis for the cups of wine at the Pesach Seder. Just as we pray annually for "next year in Jerusalem,'' let us also pray annually that all the Torah's terms of redemption be fulfilled for all Jews at a Peach in the very near future.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Parshat Va'era - Interfaith Dialogue
24/01/2025 09:03:18 AM
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel was born on January 11, 1907. Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929. We remember both of their births and their legacies in January every year. This past Monday was Martin Luther King Day in the U.S. A Jewish theologian and a Christian pastor were colleagues and friends. During the civil rights movement of the 1960's, they marched together. Both of them invoked citations from this week's Parsha in a modern spirit. God's promise of liberation from slavery to freedom and the oft-repeated statement by Moses, "Let my people go," helped to define their common cause many decades ago.
Interfaith dialogue between Jews and Christians became popular in the 1960's and beyond. It was Heschel who developed strong ties with the Catholic Church so that the Church revised its doctrine, called Vatican II, which validated Judaism in the eyes of Christianity. Jews would no longer be seen as killers of Christ or the suffering servant. No longer was replacement theology a concept in which the Church replaced the Holy Temple and in which Christianity superseded Judaism.
In my U.S. congregations, interfaith clergy dialogue was important in the three communities I served. Here in Toronto, multifaith dialogue was also considered imperative locally in our riding and in the efforts of the Toronto Board of Rabbis in its Jewish-Christian dialogue task force.
Sadly, since the horrors of October 7, 2023, interfaith, or, multifaith dialogue has regressed locally and in many places around the world. It needs to be reclaimed. During November, at our shul's Kristallnacht remembrance program, I met one of our guest speakers, Pastor David Larmour, from the King Street Community Church in Oshawa. Since then, we have become friends. Together, we invite you to a two-part clergy conversation entitled, "Celebrating Passover post October 7 - Jewish and Christian perspectives." The first will take place at Beth Emeth as our theme during Shabbat Across North America, Friday evening, March 7. The second will take place at King Street Community Church, Sunday March 23, during a worship service beginning at 10:30AM.
Sharing a conversation about Passover will be reminiscent of Heschel and King who took the Passover narrative (including this week's Torah portion) to address the essential issues of their day. No less now, the Passover narrative and the lessons found in the book of Exodus speak to the essential issues of our day as well.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Redemption in stages - Parshat Va'era
23/01/2025 09:07:12 AM
This week's brief message is a precis of the sermon I will deliver this Shabbat.
After two hundred plus years of slavery in Egypt, God promises to Moses that Israel will be redeemed. Five different terms for redemption are provided, referring to five different stages involved in our people's freedom from bondage. Liberation will not happen all at once but over a period of time.
Similarly, the Jewish people today have experienced acts of murder and hostage taking going back almost five hundred days to October 7, 2023. Now, we are beginning to witness gradually in stages the release of almost a hundred hostages. We were ecstatic to see three young women released from bondage last weekend. We are scheduled to see four more hostages let go this coming weekend, and thirty-three in total over a six-week period. Hopefully, before too long, every single hostage will be liberated from their captivity.
While gradual stages of freedom are not easy to endure, this was the case for the Israelites in ancient times, and this is the case for our people right now. We hope and pray for the best. We hope and pray that hostages will never ever be taken again.
Am Yisrael Chai - Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
What's in a name?
20/01/2025 09:39:06 AM
Our new book of the Torah and its opening Parsha are called Shmot, names. While the title draws itself from the names of Jacob's children, mentioned at the outset of the Parsha, we are truly introduced to a large menu of names. What's in a name?
Pharaoh - The same as before or a new leader? Either way, he chose not to remember the kindnesses performed by Joseph and initiated the first national anti-Semitism against our people.
Daughter of Pharaoh - not given a name in the Parsha. Her act of kindness in taking in a Hebrew baby is as anonymous and unassuming as the lack of a given name for her. Later Jewish tradition calls her Bithia, daughter of God.
Moshe - "For I have drawn him from the water." He will draw his people from slavery to freedom
Miriam - Mistress of the sea. She will be identified with miracles around water, starting with watching her baby brother float down the Nile in a basket.
Aharon - Teaching or Singing. An allusion to his later role as Kohen Gadol and Temple officiant.
Shifra and Puah - The midwives who disobeyed Pharaoh's edicts. Hebrew midwives? Or Egyptian midwives who cared for Hebrews? Yocheved and Miriam? Righteous gentiles? Shifrah - one who beautifies. Puah - One who 'poos' over the children.
Amram and Yocheved - the parents of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam
Tziporah - Wife to Moses. She circumcises their son.
Yitro - father-in-law to Moses. Became Sage advisor.
God - Ehyeh asher Ehyeh - I am that I am. A perpetual presence
And others
What is your name? Are you named for someone? What does your name mean?
So, What's in a name - A lot!
Shmot - Growing up in the enemy home
20/01/2025 09:16:01 AM
Kfir Bibas turns two years old today on Shabbat January 18th. He spent his first birthday a year ago today in the dungeons of hell with his older brother, Ariel, now 5 years old, and their parents Shiri and Yarden. With a hostage deal now set in which 33 Israelis are to be released, presumably 23 alive and 10 deceased, we think and pray for all the hostages, as we commemorate the birthday of the youngest hostage today.
While Kfir and Ariel are the youngest of the hostages, and spending their childhoods in evil surroundings, they are not the first to do so. Today, we begin to read the book of Shmot-Exodus. As a new wicked Pharaoh legislates the genocide of new born Israelite males, a mother places her baby boy in a basket of reeds and sends him down the Nile with the older sister observing his safety from a distance. Soon after, the daughter of Pharaoh retrieves the baby boy. When she had opened to basket, she saw that it was a child, a boy crying. The Hebrew word for child is YELED. The Hebrew word for boy is NAAR. Why the difference in terminology? Rashi, quoting the Midrash, says "Kolo K'Naar - His voice was that of an older boy." A baby boy was found in a basket, with the voice of an older boy crying. Little Moses cried with the perspective of a more mature child, perhaps already being aware of his foreign surroundings. Can we not say the same for the Bibas boys and all the hostages?
Soon after in the Biblical text, we read in verse 10, "Vayigdal Ha'Yeled - When the child grew up," followed in verse 11, "Vayigdal Moshe - When Moses had grown up." The commentary found in the Etz Hayim Chumash states: "The phrase 'he grew up' occurs twice, once referring to physical maturity, the second time to a sense of responsibility, going out to join his kinsmen and take responsibility for the wrongs of society." Even while growing up amongst evil, Moses knew his true identity. As a result, when he sees an Egyptian beating on a Hebrew, Moses responds. When he sees two Israelites quarreling, Moses responds. When he later sees herdsmen attacking the daughters of Yitro, all being non-Israelite, Moses responds. Thus, the birth and early development of our leader, Moses.
We hope and pray that all the hostages, especially the young ones, know who they really are as Jews, as Israelis; that they will be able to physically, emotionally, and spiritually come back to their people, their faith, and their tradition.
Two weeks ago, I spoke about the Mitzvah of Pidyon Shevuyim, the redeeming of hostages and captives. I spoke about the possible limitations of doing so in Jewish law. I noted that none of the examples of antiquity or the Middle Ages addressed a situation where a sovereign Jewish nation in its homeland was targeted as a whole. I mentioned that many religious halakhic authorities have agreed that in the complexities of today, it is for the elected Israeli government to make the critical decision of redeeming hostages while weighing the short and long term consequences for Israel's safety and security. As a supportive, Zionist, Diaspora congregation, it is for us to support 100% the stance taken by Israel now and moving forward.
May we live to see soon the release of all the hostages, and may there never ever be hostages again in our people's future!
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Shmot - From slavery to freedom
15/01/2025 09:07:58 AM
This week, we begin to read the second book of the Torah, Shmot-Exodus. The first third of the book deals with the epic of "slavery to freedom." We commemorate this time annually at Passover and every day in the morning and evening liturgy. For over two hundred years, the Israelites were enslaved. The redemption from ancient Egypt became a symbol for all future redemptions to come.
Fortunately, we are not enslaved in the same way nowadays. However, we feel a sting of that enslavement since October 7, 2023. Hostages continue to be held outside of Israel. In the Diaspora, Jews continue to confront acts of anti-Semitism. Locally, vandalism and attacks take place too frequently. Just this week, two local kosher establishments have been vandalized and with hateful rhetoric.
As we begin the book of Shmot, may we soon feel freed and redeemed from acts of evil and hatred - here, in Israel, and throughout the world.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Blessing our children and grandchildren
13/01/2025 09:14:23 AM
The last Parshah in Sefer Bereishit, the book of Genesis, presents lessons and values for the past, present, and future. In it, a generation comes to an end. Jacob will pass away, and Joseph will pass away. Genesis will end the history of the patriarchs. The family of Israel, seventy in number, will soon become the nation of Israel when we begin to read the second book of the Torah, Shmot-Exodus, beginning this afternoon.
Death and the end of a generation, however, are not the main motifs. Rather, words of blessing for the present and the future take up most of the portion. Before he passes, Jacob has his two grandsons, Ephraim and Menashe, brought before him. Even before he blesses his children, Jacob blesses his grandchildren. Why?
One reason - the challenge of Jewish continuity is not so much about will your children stay and be Jewish. But rather will your grandchildren, two generations later, stay and be Jewish?
Over the centuries, while parents bless their daughters in the names of the four founding matriarchs, parents bless their sons in the names of Ephraim and Menashe because they were the only ones to be raised completely outside of the land of Israel and retained attachment to their heritage. This is a wonderful example for every generation's sons and grandsons. I still get a tear blessing my twenty-six-year-old son at the Shabbat table, reciting the words, "May God make you as Ephraim and Menashe."
Soon after Jacob blesses his grandsons, we find Jacob lying on his deathbed surrounded by his children. The Midrash expands the Biblical verses in the following way. When the father sees his children dressed in contemporary Egyptian garb, his children say to him: "Shma Yisrael Adonai Eloheynu Adonai Echad," loosely translated, "Listen, dad, the Lord is our God, the Lord who is one." Remember that the original term of Yisrael is not a peoplehood, but a surname for Jacob. With barely a whisper left on his lips, Jacob responds so every quietly, "Baruch Shem Kvod Malchuto l'Olam Va'ed - Blessed be the name of God's glorious sovereignty for ever." This same literary tradition is observed evening and morning seven days a week in the Maariv and Shacharit services.
After the reassurance offered by the children to their father, Jacob offers a unique blessing and warning that is specific to each of his children, words for the present and for their future lineage. From this idea, there developed in antiquity and in the Middle Ages a literature known as Jewish ethical wills. Parents codified their beliefs, hopes, and aspirations for their children and grandchildren in personalized form, sometimes given before one's death and sometimes after one's death. Parents have a right if not an obligation to share their most precious thoughts and values, and children have a right if not an obligation to receive their parents' most precious thoughts and values.
To parents and grandparents - Do you bless your children at the Shabbat and Yom Tov table? Have you already done or considered compiling in written form a Jewish ethical will for each of your children and grandchildren? If one day they expect to receive your material items, should they not expect to receive and know clearly your spiritual and moral items? What is more important?
As we conclude the first book of the Torah today, Parshat Vayechi presents lessons and values for the past, present, and future.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
The Fast of Tevet
10/01/2025 09:02:22 AM
Today, the tenth of Tevet, is a Fast on the Jewish calendar. It begins at sunrise and ends with the onset of Shabbat. It is one of four Fasts which revolve around the destruction of the first Temple in Jerusalem. On the tenth of Tevet, the Babylonians besieged the city of Jerusalem. On the seventeenth of Tammuz, they breached the walls of the city. On the ninth of Av, they destroyed the holy Temple. On the second of Tishrei, the Fast of Gedaliah is also associated with the events leading to the destruction of the first Temple.
There are other associations with the Fast tomorrow. Before Yom Ha'Shoah was established, the tenth of Tevet had been delcared as a universal Fast day for commemorating the Shoah. It made sense since many Jews were already fasting. In addition, the Yahrzeit of Ezra the Scribe is observed on the tenth of Tevet.
Lastly, it is recorded in our tradition that one should fast on this particular date because it commemorates the translation of the Torah into Greek, known as the Septuagint. While early Talmudic sources actually praise the translation of the Torah into Greek, a post-Talmudic volume called Masechet Sofrim, circa. eighth century, compares the translation to the day the golden calf was built. Modern scholars understand the shift in attitude not being that the translation in itself was bad; however, by the eighth century, the early Church was using the Greek translation to undermine Judaism and the Jewish people.
I hope that each of us can find some meaning in better appreciating the significance of the tenth of Tevet.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Fasting and Fire
09/01/2025 09:04:52 AM
On Friday, many Jews will observe the Fast of Asarah B'Tevet, the Fast of the tenth of Tevet. While our tradition associates a number of events with this date, the most widely known is that the Babylonian Empire besieged the city of Jerusalem on the tenth of Tevet. It is this sad date which set the stage for what followed. A few months later, the Babylonians breached the walls of Jerusalem. A few weeks later, the Babylonians completely destroyed the Holy Temple and much of Jerusalem. Over six hundred years later, the Roman Empire completely destroyed the Holy Temple again and much of Jerusalem. The Babylonians and Romans burned the Holy Temple at two distinct times in Jewish history and also systematically destroyed Jerusalem with fire, which included the burning of houses.
While enemy nations have not burned homes, synagogues, establishments, and cities in Los Angeles; nevertheless, we are witnessing the horror of destructive fire. Who cannot be touched by the images we have seen on television? Who cannot be touched by the shock and sadness felt by family, friends, and colleagues in California? Who cannot be moved by acts of bravery, including the rescue of Torah scrolls from burning synagogues before it was too late?
We pray that the destructive fire will end soon, and that it be replaced by the spiritual flame of last week's Chanukiah, the weekly Shabbat candles, and our commitment to Torah Orah - the light of Torah.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Parshat Vayigash - Redeeming captives/hostages
06/01/2025 09:00:50 AM
Chanukah has come and gone. For a second straight year, hostages still remain hidden in Gaza or elsewhere. The miracle we prayed for during Chanukah has not come to fruition. On Rosh Hashanah, I dedicated my first day sermon to the hostages and referred to the first hostage story in the Torah, when Lot was taken captive, and Abraham fought for his release. Pidyon Shevuyim, the redemption of captives/hostages, has been a Mitzvah on the books for millennia, but a difficult one to achieve.
Today's Parsha of Vayigash presents a second hostage narrative in the Torah. The viceroy of Egypt (Remember that at this point in the narrative, the brothers do not yet know this is Joseph, their long lost brother) has taken Benjamin hostage and away from his brothers and family. What is Judah and the rest of his brothers to do?
Unfortunately, throughout Jewish history, bandits have often captured Jews and held them for ransom, knowing that the Jewish community felt an obligation to redeem them. In our Parsha today, Judah offers a passionate plea for the release of Benjamin, "For how can I go back to my father unless the boy is with me? Let me not be witness to the woe that would overtake my father (44:34)."
Last year in November 2023, Israel agreed to a hostage deal in which one INNOCENT Israeli hostage was freed in exchange for many EVIL terrorists. What should Israel do now? Release hundreds of guilty evil terrorists for the sake of innocent hostages? in piecemeal agreements with long ceasefires in between? In Jewish law and history is there ever a limit to releasing captives? In previous times, would not the paying of a ransom encourage future hostage taking and unreasonable demands? The Talmud actually discusses this question, "They must not ransom captives for the sake of Tikun Olam, repairing the world, nor can they help in the escape of captives for the sake of Tikun Olam, repairing the world (Gittin 4:6)." Paying too much for a ransom will encourage more kidnappings. And helping captives escape will lead to the mistreatment of other captives.
Thus, we see an impossible dilemma. Do what is necessary to win release of the hostages, and it could lead to more hostages. But not taking action would cause terrible suffering for the hostage and his or her family. It was a dilemma in medieval times when the great Maharam - Rabbi Meir of Rothenburg refused to allow the community to ransom him from prison.
We must ask - To what extent are the previous examples and limitations operative today? All of the precedents were codified before there was a State of Israel. Most of the precedents took place without statehood or sovereignty. Many of the examples took place in Jewish communities outside of Israel. Many of the examples were targeted against Jewish individuals or isolated Jewish communities. The taking of hostages nowadays is targeted against the State and the entire Peoplehood of Israel. Many halakhic authorities offer diverse interpretations on the application of previous situations to today's complexities. As a result, many halachic authorities leave the decision making for today with Israel's elected government.
How to practice the Mitzvah of Pidyon Shevuyim, the redeeming of hostages, is a terrible dilemma for Israel today. We can only pray that the right balance will be exercised, so that the hostages will soon be released, all of them, with little or no risk in the short and long term. In this context, we also pray for the wellbeing of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after prostate surgery last weekend. May he have a Refuah Shlemah, a complete and speedy recovery.
The Torah teaches that every human being is created in the image of God. Every human being is worthy of dignity. To hold innocent people prisoner against their will is an egregious transgression of human dignity. That is why Pidyon Shevuyim, the redemption of captives, is at the center of the Jewish conception of the world. It is noteworthy that toward the outset of Judaism in the Torah, Abraham is tested to redeem his nephew Lot, and toward the end of Sefer Bereishit, the first book of the Torah, Judah and his brothers are tested to redeem their youngest brother Benjamin from the viceroy of Egypt.
Evil Hamas knows that Israel will do what is necessary to redeem a hostage. That is the tragedy and the challenge of an untenable situation which has gone on far too long. We pray for the Israeli government to be wise, judicious, compassionate, and caring in getting all of our hostages back and in a way which protects our people now and in the future.
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Parshat Vayigash - How to forgive when you cannot forget.
03/01/2025 09:03:54 AM
In the last couple of weeks, I have had to recite "Vidui Al Ha'Mitah - the death bed confessional" with shul members who were imminently going to pass away. These passages are akin to a mini-Yom Kippur. The last few verses are the same as the final verses of Neilah recited at the end of Yom Kippur, including the recitation of "Shma Yisrael."
In this prayer, one prays to God to be forgiven for any unreconciled wrongdoings on this earth. The idea is to prepare one to exit from this world purely, as one entered this world purely. In conversation, I always encourage the dying person to try to make amends with loved ones and/or friends with whom there may be some outstanding issues. Suffice to say - all of this is easier said than done, but one should try.
I am reminded of this week's Parsha. Joseph as viceroy of Egypt stands in front of his brothers. They do not know that he is Joseph. It would be easy for Joseph to punish them and hold a grudge for the way they treated him years earlier when they threw him into a pit and subsequently sold him to Egypt. Ultimately, Joseph breaks down, weeps, and identifies himself to his brothers. While he can never forget what they did to him, he is able to forgive them and establish a positive relationship with his brothers.
In our lives, we are not expected to forget the wrongdoings that have befallen us from family or friends. Forgiveness is not about forgetting or letting an aggressor off the hook. Forgiveness is about removing a heavy weight from our own shoulders which keeps us from moving forward with our lives. Suffice to say - all of this is easier said than done, but one should try.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Chanukah - a military or spiritual celebration
24/12/2024 09:01:10 AM
Have you noticed there is no Biblical book about Chanukah? For Purim, we have the book of Esther in the Bible, but nothing for Chanukah. These are the two post-Mosaic holidays that have entered our holiday calendar. On both, Purim and Chanukah, we recite the passage, "Al Ha'Nisim," thanking God for the miracles.
For many of us, we have and know the rabbinic accounts about Chanukah found in the Talmud and other rabbinic sources. When the Sages ask, "What is Chanukah?" - we find the famous legendary story about the oil. All the rituals and traditions are found in rabbinic literature: How to light the Chanukiah, where to place the Chanukiah, etc. All of the rabbinic lore is composed over 200 years after the original historical events surrounding Chanukah. So, how do we know about Mattathias, the Maccabees, the military and religious conflicts between the Jews and the Greeks, and between Jews and their fellow Jews?
The answers to these questions are found in the books of the Maccabees, books 1 and 2. Where are they found? They are not in the Tanach, Jewish scripture, where the book of Esther is found for our knowledge of Purim. The two books of the Maccabees are found in a collection known as the Apocrypha, a select number of books which were excluded from Tanach, but which were actually maintained by early Christians between their Old and New Testaments.
It is in the books of the Maccabees where we find the original historical accounts. There, the role of God is downplayed. Chanukah emerges as a military struggle between pious Jews and the Hellenistic Syrian-Greek Empire. Scholars debate on whether or not the Maccabees were akin to freedom fighters or fanatics. Certainly, they were not pacifists. When contemporary religious Jews of the time were killed on Shabbat because they chose not to wage war on the Sabbath, the Maccabees invoked the obligation to fight on Shabbat so that we would live to see future Sabbaths, and because we do not rely on miracles from above.
Subsequent to the original military emphasis surrounding Chanukah, later Sages and scholars downplayed the military aspects and rather emphasized the role of God and the spirituality of Chanukah. Thus, no Chanukah books in the Bible. While other holidays have volumes of Talmud named for them, there is no volume entitled Chanukah. The literature we have is found in the volume called Shabbat. Clearly, the Sages emphasized spirituality over military necessity
I think of Jewish history and the history of Israel with Chanukah in mind. I think of the last year plus since October 7, 2023. Military and the need for physical aggression have been necessary for self-defense. However, in the larger picture, we want to envision Israel and our history as being centered around God, spirituality, Torah, and Jewish values. We fight when there is no alternative, but fighting is never first choice.
A couple of months ago, I was involved in an interfaith Zoom program on the nature of peace in the Jewish and Christian traditions. You can find it on my blog page. Suffice to say, when my Christian colleague spoke about pacifism in Christianity and the concept of "turn the other cheek," I had to respond that all ethical people would want those ideals. However, what do you do when the other party does not recognize your right to exist and has legislated forms of terror to annihilate you? Pacifism is not an option. Turn the other cheek is not an option. Jewish tradition obligates us to defend ourselves even when you see the enemy approaching to harm you but has not yet physically attacked.
I like the fact that over the centuries, our tradition has ritualized the spirtuality of Chanukah. But we dare not forget its historical and military origins, whose lessons are vital in every generation as in our time right now.
Chag Urim Sameach,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Vayeshev - Yosef and Chanukah
23/12/2024 09:03:31 AM
In many years, Parshat Vayeshev coincides with Chanukah. In many years, the Haftarah today would be a special one for Chanukah. Not this year! We will have to wait a week. The one and only Shabbat Chanukah will coincide with next week's portion of Miketz. The Special Chanukah Haftarah will be recited next week.
Chanukah will begin this Wednesday night, December 25th. Once in every nineteen-year cycle, the Hebrew and Western calendars will intersect. Kislev 25, the first light of Chanukah, will meet December 25. Yes - Chanukah always begins on Kislev 25, but not necessarily on December 25.
Today's Parsha already hints towards Chanukah. Joseph is cast into the depths of a pit, a place of darkness and despair. But he will be lifted out to a new light. At the end of the Parsha, Joseph will be cast into the depths of a dungeon, called "Bor - a pit" in the Hebrew. Again, Joseph is lowered into a place of darkness and despair. But in the next week's Parsha, he will again be lifted out to a new light and will become second in command for all of Egypt.
The Joseph pattern of darkness followed by light is the pattern of our entire history. Chanukah begins when the days are at their shortest, and the nights are at their longest. Darkness hovers over the light. In the ancient Pagan world, humanity lit up the skies when the days were short, hoping for and praying for the light to dispel the darkness. In the Midrash, when Adam experienced his first full day of life, he thought that everything was going to come to an end when nightfall came. To his surprise, he awoke to the dawn of a new day. He offered gratitude to God, not yet understanding the pattern of darkness being dispelled by the light of a new day.
Two thousand years ago, the schools of Shammai and Hillel debated over the ritual of lighting the Chanukiah. Shammai ruled to start out with all eight candles the first night and subtract one each night. Hillel ruled to start out with one candle the first night and add one each night. Over time, the ruling of Hillel won out for all Jews. Over the course of Chanukah, we dispel the darkness with increasing light. The Sages expand Hillel's ruling - "Maalin B'Kodesh V'Ain Moridin - We ascend in holiness and do not descend." It is noteworthy that the Hebrew word for ADDING a candle each night is "Mosif," from the same root as "Yosef-Joseph."
Throughout our lives, we all encounter the despair of darkness in many ways, as individuals, families, and as a community. The last year and a few months have felt darker than many previous periods of contemporary Jewish history. It is important that best we can we stay the course; retain faith, hope, and optimism. Like the dawn of a new day; like the increasing of light during Chanukah - light will dispel the darkness. We do not rely on a divine miracle. We have to help miracles to occur. The Maccabees did not sit on the sideline passively. They engaged actively, even waging war on Shabbat, so that our people would survive and live to see future Shabbatot. They helped to shed a new light for our people, our holy Temple at the time, and our heritage.
May the saga of Joseph which we begin to read today inspire us to comprehend a deeper meaning of Chanukah this year.
Shabbat Shalom - Chag Urim Sameach!
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Chanukah - one week away
19/12/2024 09:02:28 AM
A week from today will already be the first day of Chanukah. Other than the joy of gift giving, we ought to concentrate on some of the deeper messages of the holiday.
The word Chanukah itself means dedication. Our Maccabean ancestors rededicated the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after defeating the Syrian-Greek Hellenistic empire, and they restored traditional forms of Jewish practice which had been prohibited. What are we doing nowadays to rededicate our commitment to our synagogue and to Jewish living?
On each night of Chanukah, we add one additional light to the Chanukiah. This practice is based on a concept - "We increase in holiness and do not decrease." What are we doing nowadays to spread light into a world filled with darkness? What are we doing to enhance spirituality in our own lives?
The second Chanukah candle lighting blessing speaks of miracles in those days and in this time. Some of the miracles associated with Chanukah in the past are the miracles of the lasting oil and the many falling into the hands of the few. What are miracles in our time that we can acknowledge and celebrate?
These are just a few thoughts for us to consider as we prepare for Chanukah - one week away.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Urim Sameach,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Yisrael - Wrestling with God and Man (Parshat Vayishlach)
16/12/2024 09:07:39 AM
I am always touched by the origins of names. My Hebrew name is Avraham. The name goes back to our people's founding patriarch. It means the father of many nations. In my case, I am named for Avraham, my maternal great grandfather.
If you asked a random Jew on the street about the origin of the name Yisrael, Israel, I would guess that most would associate it with the name of our people, Am Yisrael, or with the name of our land, Eretz Yisrael, or with the name of our statehood, Medinat Yisrael. They would all be wrong.
The origin appears in today's Parsha. After having been surrounded by family, Jacob finds himself alone. Suddenly he wrestles with a mysterious being. We are not sure who this is - an angel of God, an arch-angel of Esau, an internal subconscious struggle with his inner demons - not clear! At the end of the struggle, whether named by an external being or a force from within, Jacob is surnamed Yisrael, one who wrestled with and prevailed with God and Man. The heel sneak nature of Jacob who took advantage of Esau is gone. Jacob can now be reunited with his brother after twenty years. Jacob is now primed to be the father not only of a large family, seventy in total, but of a peoplehood that will span four thousand years of history. However, for all this to happen, Jacob has to authentically wrestle with his identity and purpose.
What about us? Do any of us really take the existential moment to truly struggle with our ultimate purpose? What does our Judaism mean to us? Which aspects give us meaning? Which do not? Which are causes of personal struggle? What is our ultimate purpose within our family? Our occupation? within society at large? Active wrestling can be risky, making us vulnerable, but which can make a lasting positive impact.
I am reminded of Rabbi Steven Greenberg, the first Orthodox ordained rabbi to come out of the closet and admit his homosexuality in the late 1990's. For years, he was ridiculed. Young observant Jews who followed his leadership were equally scorned. Yet over twenty years later, he is admired for his daring authenticity. His famous book, similar to the theme of this week's Parsha is entitled, "Wrestling with God and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition." Years later, rabbis, scholars, and everyday people have praised his writings and expanded upon them, ranging from the ranks of liberal Orthodoxy, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist Judaism. Excerpts in his book inspired halakhic positions taken by the Conservative Movement in 2007 and 2012, many years after Greenberg's book first came out, and which informed my decision making for our shul which I explained over a year ago.
My sermon today, however, is not to focus solely on issues concerning sexuality. I refer to Rabbi Greenberg as one who has authentically wrestled with God and his own inner being. That aspect is comparable to Jacob becoming Yisrael in today's Parsha.
So, what is your struggle? What is your personal unscripted wrestling match? And what are you going to do about it?
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Alpena Peace Community- October 27 2024
05/12/2024 12:16:39 PM
Click the link below to watch the Interfaith presentation Rabbi Morrison participated in.
Parshat Toldot - The wells of contention and hostility
02/12/2024 09:41:01 AM
Maaseh Avot Siman L'Vanim - the experiences of our ancestors become a sign to the children. This rabbinic statement harkens back to the fact that Isaac shares many of the same experiences as his father Abraham. Both in their lifetimes dug wells for physical sustenance. In our first scene in today's Parsha, after Isaac had become wealthy and blessed by God, the Philistines stopped up all the wells which Isaac's father Abraham had dug, filling them with earth. Avimelech, King of the Philistines, says to Isaac, "Go away from us, for you have become far too big for us." Is this remark one of propaganda and a Biblical form of Jew-hatred?
The Torah text continues, "So, Isaac departed from there and encamped in the wadi of Gerar, where he settled. Isaac dug anew the wells which had been dug in the days of his father Abraham and which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham's death, and he gave them the same names that his father had given them. But when Isaac's servants, digging in the wadi, found there a well of spring water, the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, 'the water is ours.' Isaac named that well Esek, because they contended with him. And when Isaac's servants dug another well, the herdsmen of Gerar disputed over that one also; so, Isaac named it Sitnah-hostility. Isaac moved from there and dug yet another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So, Isaac called it Rehovot, saying, 'Now at last the Lord has granted us ample space to increase in the land.'"
The Midrash teaches us that the three wells dug anew by Isaac refer to three Temples in Jewish history. The first was destroyed because of Esek, contention with the nations of the time. The second was destroyed because of Sitnah, hostility from the nations of the time. The third, yet to be rebuilt, will be based on Rehovot, when contention and hostility will be things of the past.
No matter what one thinks or believes about a third Temple, clearly, the Jewish people in Israel and all over the world are not yet living in a time of Rehovot, where there is no quarrel, and where Jews are allowed to settle and increase in the land. Sadly, and tragically, over the last thirteen and a half months and even well before that, Jews are living in a time of Esek and Sitnah, contention and hostility.
The latest sad and tragic example comes regarding a young rabbinic colleague whom I and we never knew - A Chabad rabbi who settled in a different part of the globe in order to touch Jews with the message of Torah. His mission, like that of most Chabad rabbis, was to do Keruv work, make connections with all Jews regardless of their backgrounds, beliefs, and practices. Rabbi Zvi Kogen was missing and then subsequently murdered by terrorists. He was based in Abu Dhabi, UAE (United Arab Emirates) and had been abducted a week ago Thursday in Dubai. Rabbi Kogan was found murdered last Sunday. He was 28 years old and leaves behind his wife, Rivky.. The rabbi's mission was to serve the Jewish people. Esek and Sitnah, forces of contention and hostility, brought his life to a young and terrible end.
While the Patriarch, Isaac, went on to build a third and permanent well called Rehovot, we can only wait for a safe, peaceful, and secure third commonwealth in Jewish history.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
What kind of sibling are you? Parshat Toldot and Rosh Chodesh Kislev
29/11/2024 08:50:27 AM
This Shabbat weekend brings together the weekly Torah portion of Toldot, Shabbat being also the eve of Rosh Chodesh, and the onset of the month of Kislev. The three occasions also provide us with meaningful stories of sibling-like relationships:
In Parshat Toldot, we are introduced to the twins, Jacob and Esau. The story of two brothers who could have been close unravels with tragic consequences. Each parent favors a different child. When a blind father is manipulated to give Jacob the blessing that was due to Esau, the threat of Esau forces Jacob to flee from home. Only many years later when both have families and legacies of their own do the two brothers reunite.
Contrast the Torah's story with the special Haftarah this Shabbat. When Shabbat coincides with the eve of Rosh Chodesh, we read the beautiful tale of a young David and his dear friend Jonathan, son of king Saul. While not technically siblings, these two best friends are completely loyal and dedicated to each other. The Haftarah presents a creative strategy between David and Jonathan which will ensure David's safety at the threat of a jealous king Saul. Siblings, like Jacob and Esau, could learn a lot about friendship and loyalty from two spiritual brothers - David and Jonathan.
On Sunday and Monday, we will transition the calendar from the month of Heshvan to the month of Kislev. Already we begin to think of Chanukah, which centers around the story of five Maccabean brothers led by Judah Maccabee. Their unity, religious piety, and concern for the fate of Judaism propels one of the greatest miracles in Jewish history. The many fall into the hands of the few, the wicked into the hands of the righteous, etc.
What will your story be? What will be the story of your children, grandchildren, and other relationships? This weekend's calendar puts forward three models of sibling-like relationships: Jacob and Esau, David and Jonathan, and the Maccabee brothers.
Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
U.S. Thanksgiving
28/11/2024 08:54:37 AM
As a proud dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada, I rejoice in both countries. Never forgetting my roots, today is U.S. Thanksgiving. As a child, my family in Boston always celebrated with the same relatives and close friends. When my children were young, whether living in New York or Toronto, we would rotate celebrating the holiday either with my family in Boston or with my children's mother's family in New Jersey. In recent years, I have celebrated locally with American born colleagues and their families.
As a stand-alone holiday at the end of November, many American Jews celebrate Thanksgiving with all the trimmings. Of course, the turkey and side dishes are kosher. Canadian Thanksgiving in early October does not seem to have the same appeal among local Jews perhaps because its gets lost with the High Holy Days and Sukkot which surround it in the early Fall.
Being thankful is a daily obligation in Judaism. We start our day individually saying, "Modeh Ani Lefanecha - I give thanks before You, God." In the daily Amidah, we recite in the plural, "Modim Anachnu Lach - We give thanks to You, God." The blessings after meals, Hallel, and other rituals are filled with verses of gratitude.
While I am grateful every day, on this U.S. Thanksgiving day, I am particularly thankful to God for my health, my family, and my community. I am grateful to arise each morning with purpose and fulfillment.
May we all be grateful for gifts which ought never be taken for granted, not only once a year but each and every day of our lives.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Parshat Chayei Sarah - How do you remember your loved ones?
19/11/2024 09:00:14 AM
I hear it all the time at a funeral, shiva house, and an unveiling - "How did your loved one die?" I guess it is a natural human impulse or need to ask this question.
In Parshat Chayei Sarah, we read about the very first deaths in Jewish history. A generation comes to an end. At the outset of the Parsha, Sarah passes away. We find Abraham grieving and preparing for her funeral. At the end of the Parsha, we read of Abraham's death. The weekly portion concludes the first generation of Jewish history, the finality of the first patriarch and matriarch.
Yet, I would surmise that the Parsha teaches us not to dwell on death. After all, based on the opening words, the portion is entitled, "Chayei Sarah - The life, or even, lives of Sarah." Rather than asking how one died, we should rather ask, how a loved one lived? Life affirming values can then be passed on to following generations of family and to friends.
When Abraham dies, we read that he was "Zaken V'Save'ah - old and satisfied." Rather than focusing on his death, we should rather ask, "What made Abraham satisfied towards the end of his life? " One answer can be found in the narrative between the two deaths. Abraham arranges for the future of his legacy by securing a bride for Isaac. Abraham died in a satisfied manner because he knew before his passing that the generational continuity of his family was assured.
So, when we remember loved ones who have passed on, can we focus on the merit of their lives and the ideals which brought them satisfaction and contentment?
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Welcoming Betsalel Steinhart
13/11/2024 09:07:46 AM
Ten years ago, my younger son Yonah spent the second half of grade 10 studying in Israel under the auspices of Ramah Israel Institute in a high school program called Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim (T.R.Y.). While he was there, we at Beth Emeth were beginning discussions on a synagogue trip to Poland and Israel. Yonah mentioned to me that his class had recently returned from Poland under the leadership of their teacher, Betsalel Steinhart. Thus, the Beth Emeth relationship was born between our shul and Ramah Israel Institute. In the Fall of 2015, Betsalel guided us around Poland and Israel over a two-week period. In the Fall of 2019, Betsalel guided us around Spain, Gibraltar, and Portugal over a two-week period. In the Spring of 2024, Betsalel oversaw the planning of our nine-day solidarity mission to Israel.
Betsalel has endeared himself to many people within our Beth Emeth community. On this coming Shabbat, Betsalel will visit our shul and be our scholar in residence on Shabbat morning. In particular, Betsalel has a unique perspective on events which have transpired in Israel and around the Jewish world in the last thirteen months. I invite us all to hear him this coming Shabbat. In addition, to those who studied with Betsalel in their high school years or who participated in our tours with him, you are invited to a reunion evening after Shabbat at 7pm in the Shul.
Please join me in welcoming Betsalel Steinhart.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Lecha Lecha - Contemplating our journeys in life
11/11/2024 09:04:45 AM
Our parsha today began with the command for Abram to leave his land, his birthplace, the house of his father. Leaving home is not simply the act of physically moving out nor of achieving economic independence. Leaving home means separating from our parents and finding our own unique voice. It is a psychological leaving. This even applies to our Bar Mitzvah boy today, who has left his parents' home in the sense that he is now Mitzvah observant on his own terms. This very notion was applied to me when a teacher of mine formally installed me as the new rabbi of my first congregation, with my parents and siblings present, back in 1987 in New Jersey.
Three times a day, we Jews pray the Amidah (four times on Shabbat). The prayer begins with a mention of the "God Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. No - We are not praying to three gods. Why not simply say "the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?" Did they not worship the same God?
The basic response is that the path Abraham took to God was different than that of his son Isaac. The path Isaac took was different than that of his son Jacob. Each of us must find our own path to God, and our own path on how to live our lives. We cannot simply relive our parents' paths. Children must leave home and find their own way if they are to succeed in the world.
This is extremely difficult for both parties. Parents find it very hard to let go and let their children find their own paths, and children find it very difficult to leave and establish their own identity and to become their own person. In my own personal case, my thirty-year-old son now lives in New York and has been on his own for the last six years. Jewishly, he identifies himself as Masorti, traditional. My twenty-six-year-old son lives with me, after having served as a lone soldier in Israel and recently completing his four-year degree here in Toronto. Jewishly, he identifies himself as a Zionist first and foremost. Each has embarked on finding his own path in many ways, Jewishly being of part of that growth and maturity.
Our Parsha is entitled Lech Lecha, which literally means, "Go to yourself." Each of us has a destiny, a purpose, a mission, a calling. Abraham not only left his parental home physically, he found his particular calling. Some of us find our calling from the earliest days of childhood, some find it as young adults, some in their middle years, some not until they retire from work, some never quite find it.
Today and tomorrow, November 9-10, commemorate the 86th anniversary of Kristallnacht. To survivors, children of survivors, grandchildren of survivors, great grandchildren of survivors, or to anyone of us living two generations later, how is our Lech Lecha, our personal journey, impacted?
This past Monday, November 4, commemorated on the English calendar the 29th anniversary of the assassination of Prime-Minister Yitzchak Rabin by a fellow Jew at a Saturday night peace rally in Tel Aviv. How is our Lech Lecha, our personal journey, impacted?
In the wake of October 7th and its aftermath, with surges of anti-Semitism here and around the world, how is our Lech Lecha, our personal journey, impacted?
Just one day prior to the eve of Kristallnacht, a modern-day pogrom brought close to home the horrific memories of eighty plus years ago. After a soccer game in Amsterdam, hundreds of our people were hunted down, beaten up, kicked, run over by cars, and thrown into cold waters. At last report, some were still missing. The only difference from two generations ago - We have a State of Israel which immediately sent rescue planes to save our people. How is our Lech Lecha, our personal journey, impacted by this latest anti-Semitic event?
There is a well-known story about the Hasidic rabbi, Zusya, crying on his deathbed. His students asked why he was crying? Zusya responded, "I see what will happen when I enter the next world. Nobody will ask me why I was not Moses. Nobody will ask me why I was not Rabbi Akiva. They will ask me why I was not Zusya. That is why I am crying. I am asking why I was not the best Zusya I could be."
The greatest tragedy of life is not death. The greatest tragedy is dying without having completed our mission, dying before we know why we lived. Each of us has our personal Lech Lecha, our particular journey on this earth. Each of us has a responsibility to search our own soul and ask the ultimate question - Why did God place me on this earth? What is my Lecha Lecha?
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Lech Lecha and Kristallnact
08/11/2024 09:05:16 AM
I was introduced to the formal study of Chumash (the Five Books of the Torah) in grade 2. Not the narratives of Bereishit and Noach, my class was first introduced to Torah study with Parshat Lech Lecha and the journey of Abram-Abraham. I still remember the large print Hebrew only text which was given to us. At age 7, we were learning to discern the Hebrew text as it was. There was no English and no commentary.
Lech Lecha begins with the journey made by the first patriarch and his family. Abram must leave his native land, his birth place, and his parental home to a new land that God will show him. For Jews, the historical promise made by God to our people about the homeland of Israel originated 4000 years ago with the pact made to Abram. Only Jews are the rightful indigenous people of Israel. It is our language, culture, holy sites, and more which have stood the test of time in Israel even when conquering nations tried to rid our people from its God-given homeland thousands of years ago.
Another kind of Lech Lecha comes to mind this weekend. On November 9-10, we commemorate the 86th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass, which took place in 1938. Soon enough, many Jewish families and individuals undertook their own journeys. Those who were fortunate to escape Eastern Europe before it was too late ended up in many places around the world, including pre-State Israel, North America, and many other locations.
I marvel at the survivors I have gotten to know in my nearly twenty-five years at Beth Emeth. They came with almost nothing. Many established thriving businesses and raised multi-generational families. Sadly, I have laid to rest many survivors of the Shoah. However, they left this world comforted in that they did not survive in vain. Like Abraham, who became the patriarch for all generations to come, many survivors will be regarded as the patriarchs and matriarchs of the families they nurtured here in Canada.
As we recall the very first journey in Jewish history, we pay tribute this weekend to the memories of six million Jews and remember those who made their Lech Lecha to Jewish communities around the world and who raised Jewish families to ensure our people's continuity.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
A week to "Remember"
06/11/2024 08:57:36 AM
On this past November 4, many of us recalled that tragic date when Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin was assassinated by a fellow Jew at a peace rally on Saturday night, November 4, 1995. We saw the worst division of our people in that a Jewish leader of state was murdered by one of our own, the first time since the murder of Gedaliah in Biblical times. What have we learned since then? Can unity repair and replace division and strife?
On this Weekend of November 9-10, we will remember the anniversary of Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass in 1938. For many, this was the official beginning of the horrors that would unfold in the Shoah. Now, eighty-six years later, do we remember? Are we passing on the history and lessons to our children and grandchildren? How will we teach the Shoah to Jews and non-Jews in generations to come?
On this Monday, November 11, we will truly remember on Remembrance Day. All Canadians will reflect on those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live with freedom and dignity. At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we will pause to reflect and remember.
I wish us all purpose, meaning, and fulfillment during these November occasions of remembrance.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison
Parshat Noach - "And the world was filled with 'Hamas'"
04/11/2024 09:04:42 AM
The story of Noah is one that is familiar to us. Humanity regresses to the point that God regrets having created humanity and brings about a flood to wipe out the entire world, with the exception of Noah, his family, and the animals he brings into the Ark. When Noah leaves the Ark after the flood and is ready to go about rebuilding the world, God makes a covenant with him that God will never destroy the world again. The sign of the covenant is a rainbow.
The commentators struggle to understand the sin or level of corruption that prompted God to bring the flood. In a verse with eerie resonance in light of Israel's war with Hamas (Hezbollah and Iran), the Torah records: "The earth became corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with lawlessness-Hamas (Genesis 6:11)." The Biblical scholar Nahum Sarna, the author of 'Understanding Genesis,' explains, "It may be deduced that Hamas here refers predominantly to arrogant disregard for the sanctity and inviolability of human life." This definition and understanding of the word "Hamas" certainly ring true over the past year.
In light of this, we have an obligation and moral responsibility to respond when the world is overcome by Hamas. We must express shock and outrage upon learning of such wanton displays of violence, hatred, and moral depravity. The IDF, in harmony with Torah values, has an absolute responsibility to wage battle and destroy Hamas and its evil counterparts including Hezbollah, and other publicly identified terror groups.
The Talmud already asks and answers what should one do when Hamas-violence is coming your way? "If someone rises up to attack you, rise up and attack them first (Sanhedrin 72a)."
After reading the story of the flood and the violence that humans perpetrate on one another, one could ask the question, "Why did God save Noah and his family? Why not destroy humanity altogether? " Perhaps God's hope was that humanity would change its ways after Noah. God explicitly gave Noah a law forbidding pre-meditated bloodshed, "Whoever sheds human blood, by human hands shall that one's blood be shed, for in the image of God was humankind created (Genesis 9:6)."
Can humanity change? Can humanity overcome its natural tendency towards cruelty and violence? That is the Torah's lesson in today's portion of Noah. A new humanity can be born without cruelty and violence in their hearts. Unfortunately, it has not come true in our lifetimes. We can only pray and work for the day when hatred and brutality will disappear from the face of the earth.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison