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26/08/2024 04:27:52 PM


Last Dvar

26/08/2024 04:27:07 PM


Omri - 

So this is our moment to say goodbye, as of right now we have been in Toronto for 294 days, which is close to 81 percent of the year, and around 42 Saturdays of being here. 

In the beginning, I remember I was shocked the first time I came here, by how big this Shul is compared to the Shul I used to go to back in Israel, the fact that I had to come every morning when I used to go to Shul every other week on...Read more...

News from Israel - 11.5.24

26/08/2024 04:26:47 PM


Shabbat Shalom, 

This past week we observed the Memorial day for holocaust, and heroism.  And as we look ahead to the upcoming week to honor our fallen soldiers and victims of terror attacks on Memorial Day. And right after that the celebration for our Independence Day. 

These two weeks of the switch between Nissan and Eyar has always been hard. 

The switch between the memorial day to Independence...

News From Israel 4.5.24

26/08/2024 04:26:10 PM


Good morning and Shabbat Shalom,

It’s good to be back. We had an amazing time with our families but we missed you all so much. 

Tomorrow evening marks the start of a very important day for me - Holocaust remembrance day. Every year on the 27th of Nisan, we all collectively decide to remember, mourn and honor the six million jews murdered by the Nazis and their helpers. 

Choosing the date of this...

News From Israel 20.4.24

26/08/2024 04:25:35 PM


Omri -

Shabbat Shalom to everyone, but especially to my two special guests - my parents.

As I’m sure we all know and can all feel, Pesach is coming really soon. As a kid, I remember that one of the songs that represents Pesach for me is the song “אביב הגיע פסח בא”, “Spring is here, Pesach is coming”. But, it’s not only an Israeli kid’s song; it’s a song that also represents the deep and strong...Read more...

News from Israel 5.4.24

26/08/2024 04:25:15 PM


Shabbat Shalom everyone,

This past weekend, while you were all busy celebrating Easter like good Jews, I visited Boston with my friend Raz. Some of you might know, that just like Rabbi Morrison, I am a red sox fan.

I root for them not only because I like the color red, or because I care deeply about baseball - but because I grew up in Brookline, Massachusetts, right next to Boston. While I was really young, I do have some...Read more...

News From Israel 23.3.24

26/08/2024 04:24:53 PM


Shabbat Shalom everyone, and almost Purim Sameach. 

Purim is a very special holiday. Not only is it my brother’s favorite holiday, but the atmosphere around the holiday is incredibly unique.

As a kid in Israel, excitement around Purim is incredibly high. The process of picking or making a costume, the special days in school leading up to the holiday where you can wear pajamas, and the trip to the grocery store to make a...Read more...

 News From Israel 2.3.24

26/08/2024 04:23:43 PM


Shabbat Shalom, 

I want to thank you all for your warm wishes, I feel much better now and I’m happy to be back.

As many of you know, Omri and I also work at the Reena foundation - a non-profit organization for people with developmental disabilities. The work in Reena has been absolutely incredible, and we are nothing short of lucky to be able to have the opportunity and the honor to be the first Shinshinim at...Read more...

News From Israel 27.1.24

26/08/2024 04:23:17 PM


Shabbat Shalom,

Last week I told you about my late grandfather, Alexander Steinberg. Today, I would like to tell you about another important person to me; Margalit Pikarsky. 

Margalit was my grandmother’s older sister. For some, that might seem pretty distant. But not for my family, and certainly not for Margalit. She was a big part of my life, and of all my family’s lives.

Growing up, for me, Margalit was the...

News from Israel 18/11/23

26/08/2024 04:22:47 PM


Sharon -

If you look in the crowd today, you might be able to spot someone very special to me. And no, today I am not referring to Omri or Rabbi Morrison. 

I’ll give you a clue - some people say our faces are very similar. Joining us today, is my dad. Aba. I’m very lucky he was able to arrive to Toronto - and give me a little taste of home.

Let me tell you a little bit about my dad. He grew up in...Read more...

D'var Israel 11/11/23

26/08/2024 04:22:06 PM



Kristallnacht, also known as the Night of Broken Glass, refers to the pogrom against Polish and German Jews, which was orchestrated by SS and SA forces along with the participation of German civilians, throughout Nazi Germany on November 9-10, 1938.

Eighty-five years ago, Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues were ruthlessly smashed, set on fire, and destroyed, leaving the...Read more...

News from Israel 21/10/23

26/08/2024 04:21:43 PM


Sharon -

 I’m sure all of you are well aware about the recent events occurring in Israel. Two weeks ago, Friday night, I saw the first alert of sirens in Israel. At first, I thought this is just another round - a feeling that is all too familiar for Israelis. As you all know - the past few weeks have been anything but a normal reality. 

What has been even more abnormal - is not being...Read more...

Simchat Torah 7/10/23

26/08/2024 04:21:29 PM



Simchat Torah is the holiday we have all been waiting for, whether consciously or unconsciously. Throughout the entire High Holidays season, we have made sure to prepare ourselves to receive the Torah and resume reading from it. We have shared our intentions to have the ability to absorb all the wisdom that the Torah has to offer.

In my town, located in Israel, Simchat Torah is...

Sukkot 30/09/23

26/08/2024 04:20:23 PM


Omri -

Sukkot is the opening of our new year, it's the first occasion, the first event that we can celebrate with full joy in our hearts. 

After Yom Kuppur, after we've had a day to seek redemption and improve ourselves for the coming year, now it's our time to follow it and celebrate it.

But not to celebrate it alone but rather to do it with other people as it's a...Read more...

Arriving in Toronto 9/9/23

26/08/2024 04:20:18 PM


Sharon -

Good morning everyone, or as we were taught to say here in Canada - we hope this speech finds you well. My name is Sharon (or Sharon, whatever you prefer), and Omri and I will be your Shinshinim this year. The UJA Shinshinim program allows Israeli teens such as ourselves to join the Toronto jewish community for a year.

We are so happy to be joining the Beth Emeth community this year, and...Read more...

Yom Kippur 25/09/23

26/08/2024 04:18:47 PM



I want you to take a deep breath, and look around you. This quiet feeling is about to fill the country of Israel in less than two days. Yom Kippur in Israel is an extraordinary feeling. Its almost as if time stops. Before Yom Kippur starts, we always went to my grandma's place in Jerusalem for a final meal. Afterwards, we drove home in order to get get ready for synagogue in time. 


Fri, 18 October 2024 16 Tishrei 5785