Concluding B'Midbar and dad's birthday
14/07/2023 09:01:23 AM
This coming Shabbat, we conclude the book of B'Midbar, the book of Numbers. On the secular calendar, the date is July 15th, which coincides with my father's birthday. Ruben Morrison, of blessed memory, was born in the Bronx on July 15, 1927. He passed away on June 7, 1999 at the age of 71.
The book of B'Midbar is the ultimate book of journeys in the Torah. Most of the forty-year journey experience shared by the Israelites is described in B'Midbar, with the nation of Israel poised on the threshold of the Promised Land by the end of this Shabbat's Torah reading.
Parshat Masei, the last portion of B'Midbar, enumerates the halting places made along the journey. According to Rashi, this enumeration points to the acts of lovingkindness performed by God at each place along the way.
My dad made many stops along his journey of life, guided by God at each place. The third oldest of six brothers, my dad and two younger brothers were raised primarily by an Orthodox foster family in the Bronx. Dad developed a passion for tall ships and for antique tools, especially the Stanley Company metal planes from the late 1800's to the early 1900's. My father earned his college degree in Boston in the field of construction engineering. Over the years, he worked for two Boston area construction companies and served as the project manager for many projects in the city. Perhaps most notable was the Devonshire, a large skyscraper in the heart of downtown Boston.
Dad met and married a Boston area native, my mom, Helen, of blessed memory. Ironically, she passed away on Rosh Hashanah 1999, just three months after dad died. They were married in 1954 and went on to raise four children, including myself.
While my father worked long hours during the week, we always sat as a family for Shabbat Friday night dinner. Dad was actively involved, as was mom, at the Young Israel of Brookline. Together, they enabled all four kids to attend the Maimonides Day School from grades K-12.
Dad was blessed with four grandsons. The youngest was born after his passing. The third youngest, my nephew, was born mere months before my father died. My brother made sure that Zayde and grandson had an interaction while dad was very ill. That grandson will be getting married this coming mid-August almost exactly a month following dad's birthday.
What an incredible journey - From poor biological parents, to an orphanage for a short time, to a foster family, to a new life in the Boston area, to a love of wife and family, to an ongoing commitment to his Jewish heritage, to two interesting hobbies, and more - my father had an amazing journey in this world.
Inasmuch as I recite Kaddish on his Yahrzeit; inasmuch as I remember him every day; I will pause this Shabbat to celebrate what would have been dad's ninety-sixth birthday.
Dad- Yom Huledet Sameach (Happy Birthday), and may your memory continue to always be a blessing.