What is your story? - Parshat Ki Tavo
31/08/2023 08:02:13 AM
At the outset of this week's Parsha, we read the first story to be told by our people when they are to enter the land of Israel. While participating in a dramatic first fruits ceremony, a liturgical history is recounted, beginning with the words, "My father was a wandering Aramean. . . " These words harken back to either Abraham or Jacob, depending on one's interpretation. The narrative goes on to briefly summarize how our ancestors came to Egypt, were oppressed, but were ultimately liberated. The story concludes with taking care of the needy and celebrating in gratitude God's gifts.
This brief story became the highlight of Shavuot when our people literally celebrated the holiday with first fruits when the Temple stood. In a post Temple age, our rabbinic Sages inserted this same Biblical text as the KeyPoint narrative in the Pesach Haggadah, which is recited to this very day.
Next week begins the Selichot season. Rosh Hashanah is two weeks away. What has been your story for the past year? Have you enabled all or part of it to come true? What will be your story for yourself, your family, and your community for the coming year?
As we read perhaps the single most poignant summary of Biblical Jewish life, history, and values in this week's Parsha, may our contemporary Jewish narrative augment the story and stories of our people's 4000 years of Jewish storytelling.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison