Noach as Survivor - From then to now!
17/10/2023 06:55:13 AM
One cannot help but care for and reach out to survivors of the horrors unleashed over a week ago in Israel. families have lost parents, siblings, children, grandchildren, and grandparents. Families have watched death take place in front of their eyes graphically. Families have learned minutes or hours later the terrible fates of loved ones. Some of our people are survivors in a literal sense. All of Israel and the Jewish people are survivors. We are all walking in a fog, feeling helpless, and paralyzed.
In this week's Torah portion, we read about the very first survivor, Noach. He witnessed an entire world rooted out in a flood. While Noach is known for his righteousness at the outset of the parsha, he turns to alcoholism after the flood when he considers all that has transpired.
Tragically, we are a people of survivors. Many of our parents and grandparents survived the horrors of the Shoah. It is unbearable to think of Holocaust survivors now having to hear about the evil of Hamas and feeling like survivors all over again.
I pray that none of us turn to alcohol or other vices to deal with our pain. Turn to your rabbi, to your synagogue, to mental health support provided by UJA-Federation and Jewish Family and Child Services, and other resources in the community. Attend shul and bond spiritually/emotionally with your community.
No one should have to be fearless and brave all alone. We are here for each other.
Chazak Ve'ematz (Be strong and have courage)
Rabbi Howard Morrison