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Parshat Vayishlach - "Jacob was left alone (Genesis 31:25)"

04/12/2023 09:29:35 AM


I am struck at how every Parsha speaks to our contemporary relevant situation. Over the last several weeks, all of my sermons have interfaced with the plight of Israel and Jews around the globe. During these tumultuous times, I actually feel guilty to concentrate on anything else, for our people's physical, spiritual, and moral life is at stake.

In Parshat Vayishlach, Jacob is forewarned that Esau is approaching with four hundred armed men. Like a military strategist, Jacob divides his family into two camps, one to potentially fight, and one to escape and keep the family alive. 

Right after Jacob splits his family into two camps, prays to God for divine assistance, and sends gifts of appeasement, we are told, "Vayivater Yaakov Lvado - Jacob was left alone." How striking and relevant these words are right now. I, for one, and I believe for many of you and for many Jews around the world - we are feeling all alone. Almost no one understands our history, our experience, our suffering, our pain on real and existential levels. It is as if the prophecy of Bilam has come true again - Behold they (the Jewish people) are a nation that dwells alone, not recognized by the nations."

Maybe for a couple of days after October 7, there was international sympathy. But as one may have predicted, that sympathy did not last long. Overnight, Israel the victim became perceived as Israel the aggressor. The good are called the bad, and the bad are called the good. We are living in an upside-down world. Almost no one speaks with moral clarity. Almost everyone speaks with moral relativism, the likes of which we have heard before. Why is it so difficult to simply have people respond to the pure evil of October 7? Why do so many people avoid the question and bring up comments which are either factually wrong or simply irrelevant to the evil of October 7?

A few days after October 7, except for Jews, the U.S., and a few others, who is caring about and speaking about hostages? Who is caring about and speaking about rockets which continue to be hurled indiscriminately in Israel? Do I care about the loss of all life? The loss of lives in Gaza? Of course, I do. I consider myself a moral person. However, I also look at the root causes for the tragedies unfolding. The loss of life in Gaza is due to the people of Hamas and Hamas only! There was no loss of life prior to October 7. The loss of life since October 7 is due to the evil and indifference of Hamas to the people they are supposed to represent.

Jacob was left alone - We are left alone. Who do we speak with on an individual level? Who are our friends? Who understands us? Who even cares to understand our narrative, one which is based on irrefutable historical facts.

Jacob was left alone - We are left alone. Who do we speak with on an international level? With no disrespect, only the U.S., which is divided among itself, and a few others seem to understand Israel and support its needs.

Jacob was left alone - You have heard me say it before. But where are the clergy of other faiths and the adherents of other faiths? Here in Canada, don't they remember when rabbis and members of our synagogues formed rings of solidarity in years past when Churches and Mosques were attacked?

Jacob was left alone - In the aftermath of the Shoah, Pastor Martin Niemoller famously said, "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me." 

In his article, "The lonely people of history," Yossi Klein Halevi, of the Shalom Hartman Institute, writes, "First they came for LGBTQ and I stood up because love is love. Then they came for the black community and I stood up because black lives matter. Then they came for me, but I stood alone, because I am a Jew." Klein Halevi's thesis is "When even Israel's allies begin to lose moral clarity about the justness of this war, Jews will stand and proclaim our truth."

It is no accident that right after Jacob finds himself alone, he struggles, he wrestles -  with God? with an angel? with himself? Not clear, perhaps some or all of the above. From that encounter, Jacob becomes identified with the word 'Yisrael-Israel," one who wrestles and prevails with God.

Today, the household of Israel finds itself alone in the vastness of the world. We are hurting; we are struggling; we are wrestling. But only by adhering to what we know is right and true will we prevail and move on as AM YISRAEL CHAI - the nation of Israel which is meant to live for eternity.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison

Wed, 8 January 2025 8 Tevet 5785