New books on Israel
20/02/2024 09:15:59 AM
During my recent sabbatical, I purchased and read some new books on contemporary Israel.
My friend and colleague Rabbi David Seth Kirshner authored a diary over the first fifty days since October 7, entitled, "Streams of shattered consciousness - A chronicle of the first 50 days of the Israel Hamas war." The book has been selling very fast since it came out just a few weeks ago.
A great book to brush up on real facts for yourself and your friends is the 2021 "Israel - A simple guide to the most misunderstood country on earth," by Noa Tishby.
Just prior to the horrors of October 7, Dan Senor and Saul Singer's book, "The genius of Israel -The surprising resilience of a divided nation in a turbulent world" was released.
Lastly for now, soon after October 7, Alan Dershowitz came out with his newest book, "War against the Jews - How to end Hamas barbarism."
I now possess these books and am glad to loan them upon request. I recommend each on its own merits.
As a people of the book, we need to continually be refined on our understanding of Israel, especially during these challenging times.
Rabbi Howard Morrison