An upside-down world - continued
27/02/2024 08:56:00 AM
In my Shabbat sermon, posted yesterday, I spoke about Purim. This past weekend was Purim Katan, a term for Adar #1 in a leap year, which reminds us that we celebrate Purim in one month's time in mid Adar#2
The Purim story is about a world upside down and inside out - "Nahafoch Hoo." This notion is exemplified by Haman, almost destined for leadership and Mordecai, almost destined to be hanged for his pious beliefs.
When it comes to Israel, anti-Semitism, and society at large, our world is upside down and inside out. Examples continue to baffle the mind.
Take last Thursday - A Jewish couple had courtside tickets for a Raptors game. Refusing to remove their sweatshirts which displayed a Magen David and a statement, "bring the hostages home," they were forced to leave the game.
When did a continued plea to rescue innocent hostages from a recognized terror group, Hamas, become political and against team policy? Is a concern for "Jewish (and non-Jewish) lives matter" any less ethical and humanistic than "black lives matter," which was embraced by the sports world a few years ago?
Is Dara Horn right in her most recent book entitled, "The world loves dead Jews?"
Nahafoch Hoo- The world is upside down and inside out.
Rabbi Howard Morrison