Parshat Vayakhel - An unmatched unity
11/03/2024 09:35:02 AM
In Parshat Ki Tisa, last week's portion, the golden calf divided our people on many levels. The revolt began with the words, "Vayikahel Ha'Am Al Aharon - The people were gathered against Aaron."
Grammatically, the word "Vayikahel" is a sort of passive aggressive. The word implies what was to come regarding the rebellious nature of the people.
In the aftermath of that narrative, this week's Parsha begins, "Vayakhel Moshe et kol adat bnai yisrael - Moses gathered all the segments of the Israelites." The verb "Vayakhel" is a direct active verb, unlike the passive aggressive of "Vayikahel."
In congregating to build the Mishkan, or Tabernacle, the Israelites were now an authentic unified nation, represented by all of its entities.
In contemporary times, there has perhaps been no greater unity than what we have witnessed since October 7. Our people are united as never before, not only in Israel, but among Jews around the world responding to anti-Semitism and pro-Hamas demonstrations.
The classical term for synagogue is "Kehila Kedosha - a sacred congregation," emanting from the title of this week's portion of Vayakhel.
The first ever house of worship was truly built as a place to worship God based on a genuine unity of the entire people.
So may this be for all synagogues today.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison