Vayikra/Zachor/Purim - A Weekend About Children
22/03/2024 08:26:48 AM
This Shabbat/Purim weekend centers around children. We begin to read the third book of the Torah, Vayikra-Leviticus. In ancient times, young children were introduced to the study of Torah with the book of Vayikra and not the familiar stories of Bereishit and Shmot. The Sages teach us that the sacrifices are pure and children are pure. Let sacrifices, which are pure, be associated with children, who are pure. Already at a young age, children learned the importance of making sacrifices in their lives.
On the eve of Purim, we observe the Mitzvah of Zachor - Remember what Amalek did to you. According to tradition, soon after the Israelites escaped from Egypt, the nation of Amalek attacked the end of the Israelite line, which was heavily filled with children.
As the Israelites miraculously defeated Amalek, ancient Persian Jewry miraculously defeated Haman, a descendant of Amalek, and his followers. The annual Purim celebration centers in large part around children. They wear costumes, drown out the name of Haman with loud noise, participate in a festive meal and carnivals, eat various flavors of hamantaschen, and more.
A weekend which starts with the lessons of sacrifice and survival culminates with joy and celebration. Given the overwhelming challenges of the last six months, may the Jewish people soon experience joy and celebration in our time.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Purim Sameach,
Rabbi Howard Morrison