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Shabbat Ha'Gadol - Preparing for Pesach

18/04/2024 08:42:07 AM


This coming Sabbath is called Shabbat Ha'Gadol, the Great Sabbath. This is the name for the Shabbat preceding Pesach.

In the Haftarah, we read of the coming of the Great and Awesome day of the Lord. We also read about the hearts of parents and children being reconciled. What an inspiring message for Pesach and everyday.

Some refer to this coming Sabbath as Shabbat Haggadah. Many people start reviewing the Haggadah in preparation for a meaningful Seder just a few nights later.

Ma Nishtanah - How different will your experience be this year!?

In the aftermaths of October 7 and this past Saturday night  how will you reflect on current events at your table?

An empty chair? Names and photos of hostages? Extra readings and reflections? ( See our website Pesach page)

Will you interpret some of the rituals differently this year - the plagues, the bitterness, the broken Matzah? etc.

Will you add a fifth question? A fifth cup? A fifth child? to help focus on today's concerns?

This Shabbat Ha'Gadol/Haggadah is a time to prepare.

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Kasher V'Sameach,
Rabbi Howard Morrison

Sat, 7 September 2024 4 Elul 5784