09/05/2024 09:03:12 AM
The end of this week's Torah portion, Kedoshim, and the Haftarah from the Prophet Amos both make reference to God's establishing the land of Israel as the homeland for the Jewish people. While many non-Jews may not care about our Torah's references, we the Jewish people should care.
It is noteworthy that we will commemorate Yom Ha'Zikaron, Israel's remembrance day, on Monday May 13 and Yom Ha'Atzmaut, Israel's independence day, on Tuesday May 14. It was with these dates in mind that we planned our shul's Israel solidarity mission, which will run from May 14-22. In the spirit of Joshua and Caleb, our twenty-one-person delegation will bear witness to the events of the last seven months, visit some of the most impacted sights, meet with families, soldiers, and dignitaries, and provide physical help and support.
We will share our report and observations with you on the first night of Shavuot, Tuesday June 11, as our Tikun Leil Shavuot program.
Am Yisrael Chai and Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison