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Parshat Bechukotai - Diaspora or Exile?

31/05/2024 04:22:44 PM


The final chapters in the book of Vayikra teach and remind us that the land of Israel is God's. In Parshat B'har, last week's portion,  we read - "For the land is Mine; for you are strangers and residents with me (Lev. 25:23)."

In this week's Parsha of Bechukotai, the point is made even stronger for Israelite non-compliance. We read, "I (God) will lay your cities in ruin . . . I will make the land desolate . . . and you I will scatter among the nations. . . . (Lev. 26:31-33)."

In our time, we have Jews living in Israel and in many parts of the world. Hopefully, our return to the land of Israel will be permanent. We will be residents with God and not strangers against God.

However, how should we regard those of us living outside Israel? Given our return to the land, those who live outside of it are not compelled to in the sense of God scattering us among the nations. Most of us are here by choice and/or by family ancestry.

In the best of times, we call living outside of Israel as "Tefutzot - Diaspora." In the worst of times, we call living outside of Israel as "Galut - Exile." Which term best defines our status now, with almost every Jewish community in the world dealing with ant-Semitism in virtually unprecedented ways?

For two weeks, I felt completely safe traveling in Israel. While there is war in the North and South, I felt completely safe in Israel, even while hearing the sounds of violence in Gaza and the sirens in Tel Aviv. I never witnessed anti-Israel protests, acts of violence, and obscene forms of propaganda within the cities I traveled. 

Now, back in Toronto (the same can be said about many communities in Canada and the U.S.), I do not feel completely safe. I feel careful as to what garb I am displaying. Can I wear my Kippah as is, or do I have to cover it with a hat to feel safe? Will we display our dog tags or "Stand with Israel" bracelets in downtown Toronto? Or will we tuck them under our clothing?

Are we living in the Diaspora or in Exile? Time will tell.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Howard Morrison

Fri, 18 October 2024 16 Tishrei 5785