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Parshat Chukkat - Remembering the merit of loved ones

11/07/2024 08:55:18 AM


Chukkat is the last portion with Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. In the Parsha, we read the deaths of Aaron and Miriam. We also learn that Moses will not be permitted to enter the promised land, and that his passing is forthcoming. These three siblings led our people from the bondage of Egypt through the Exodus, to the giving of the Torah, and to the threshold of the Promised Land. In a succinct manner, Moses embodied Torah; Aaron embodied Avodah (the Temple service); Miriam embodied acts of lovingkindness. Their merits form the three pillars on which the world is established. The Haftarah for Parshat Balak, which is read with Chukkat in a non-leap year, also mentions these three siblings to correspond to their being mentioned together in Chukkat for the last time.

As we consider the memories of these three great Biblical leaders, we also remember those among our people who have given their lives since October 7th to today, be they Israeli civilians, IDF soldiers, security personnel, Jews around the world who succumbed to acts of anti-Semitism, and more. We mourn over their deaths as well as grieving over the meritorious contributions they were making for the betterment of Israel and the Jewish world.

In less than two weeks, we will usher in the three weeks of sadness on the Jewish calendar, starting with the seventeenth of Tammuz and culminating with the ninth of Av. May we use this season of the year to lament over the last nine months and to strengthen our resolve to be proud and dedicated members of the Jewish people.

Am Yisrael Chai!

Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Howard Morrison

Sat, 7 September 2024 4 Elul 5784