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Statement On Attempted Assassination Of Former President Donald Trump

15/07/2024 09:04:06 AM


ur Rabbinical Assembly expresses our relief that former President Trump was not seriously injured in the shooting at his rally and our deep grief at the death of one of the attendees. As we unequivocally condemn the attack, we pray for a refuah shlemah (a complete recovery) for all who were hurt.

Political disagreements can only be resolved at the ballot box and through civil discourse, and, as rabbis, we have a moral duty to stand up against all violence directed at elected officials. Even in moments of profound disagreement, we urge our communities and the nation to heed the Talmudic exhortation, “Ohev shalom v’rodeif shalom – Love peace and pursue it.”

Sat, 7 September 2024 4 Elul 5784