Chanukah - one week away
19/12/2024 09:02:28 AM
A week from today will already be the first day of Chanukah. Other than the joy of gift giving, we ought to concentrate on some of the deeper messages of the holiday.
The word Chanukah itself means dedication. Our Maccabean ancestors rededicated the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after defeating the Syrian-Greek Hellenistic empire, and they restored traditional forms of Jewish practice which had been prohibited. What are we doing nowadays to rededicate our commitment to our synagogue and to Jewish living?
On each night of Chanukah, we add one additional light to the Chanukiah. This practice is based on a concept - "We increase in holiness and do not decrease." What are we doing nowadays to spread light into a world filled with darkness? What are we doing to enhance spirituality in our own lives?
The second Chanukah candle lighting blessing speaks of miracles in those days and in this time. Some of the miracles associated with Chanukah in the past are the miracles of the lasting oil and the many falling into the hands of the few. What are miracles in our time that we can acknowledge and celebrate?
These are just a few thoughts for us to consider as we prepare for Chanukah - one week away.
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Urim Sameach,
Rabbi Howard Morrison